WLU & Oglebay Partnership

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The Oglebay Institute Mansion Museum.

West Liberty University and Oglebay Institute are working together to set up an electronic music workshop. This will be the first time the electronic music workshop (EMW) has ever been offered. The EMW is a summer camp for students rising into grades 8-11. The EMW is an opportunity for high school students to explore the electronic music scene.

Dr. Matthew Harder will lead the students through various ways to create and perform electronic music. Students will learn about many different types of electronic musical instruments, audio hardware and computer software. Students will be able to design sounds and build beats to create and perform electronic music!

This camp will be taking place from June 7-18. Throughout ten days, it will be taking place from 9am-3pm. Oglebay offers a number of camps through their institute, however this is one that will be partnered with West Liberty.
“Last Spring they reached out to me about this and we are finally putting it together this Summer,” says Dr. Matthew Harder. “They are partnering with us, so we are going to provide the personal, myself, and a lot of the equipment.”

Dr. Harder also mentioned that it takes a lot of equipment, such as synthesizers and all kinds of cabling, speakers and sound systems. “We will be providing all of that, and we will be taking it down to the Stifel Fine Arts Center in Wheeling and have this camp for two weeks.” “In the course of these days we will be teaching how to use these instruments and also learning about live performance and improvisation will also be a big factor,” Dr. Harder mentioned to me.

There are currently around 4 students enrolled, and they are looking to get around 12-15. Even though everything will be provided, students are also able to bring their own instruments and laptops. At the end of the camp, the students will also be putting on a concert to perform. The location and time is to be announced for this show, still.

Students can enroll in this camp online at oionline.com, along with a Facebook page that is managed by Dr. Matthew Harder. There is a fee to go along with the camp, which is $260 or $130 for Oglebay Institute members. If there are any questions you can reach out to Dr. Matthew Harder or look at the linked website above. Make sure you check out the new camp!