Matthew McConaughey’s ‘‘Greenlights’’ is a must-read

“Greenlights” by Matthew McConaughey is a great memoir of an actor who is just getting started. This book is so much fun to read. It is light, and you will finish it in no time. Plus, you get to know a little more about one of Hollywood’s favorite actors.

“Greenlights” was a refreshing read. McConaughey has an inspiring approach on life. He puts a positive spin on every situation in life, good or bad.

The book consists of moments of McConaughey’s life that he turns into mini lessons along the way. This goes all the way back to a young Matthew during his childhood and continues to move along through his life. This includes the uneasy times through high school and his experiences in college at the University of Texas at Austin.

McConaughey’s life was not all sunshine and rainbows. He mentions some of the bad times in his life as well. Whether that was him being in between acting jobs for the longest of times, or his parents’ on-again-off-again marriage. He talks about the “climatic” death of his father too.

McConaughey talks about how some of his roles are now a part of him. This plays into some of his catchphrase or bumper sticker sayings. The most prominent one being in this case being “Just keep livin.”

“Greenlights” was released in October of 2020 and was published by the Crown imprint of Crown Publishing Group. The book can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, Target and other places books are sold. There is an audio version as available on most websites, where McConaughey narrates his work.

My final opinion on the book is that it is “Alright Alright Alright,” and you should go and read it.