WEST LIBERTY- The Criminal Justice Department along with the Criminal Justice Society decided to give back to the children in the community with a Toy Drive. The Department chair, Doctor Keith Bell, explains that his wife experienced the issue firsthand where children had little to no toys while working at Wheeling Hospital Emergency Department. “One of the things she noticed is that children had nothing that would take their attention away (from the doctor) ” said Bell.
So, Bell decided to team up with Professor Hannah Kern for a Dollar Toy Drive. Once the idea was in production, they introduced the idea to The Criminal Justice Society. The Criminal Justice Society gives interested students first-hand experience that will help them with future endeavors.
So far the current donations are up to a hundred. Donations of items such as Matchbox Cars, Baby Dolls, Coloring Books, and Crayons were given. Bell said “you would be surprised by how many kids that want little things, we are in an impoverished area and kids often look for little things to hold on to. “
Bell stresses that they are not expecting donations of anything expensive. They are looking for little things so the kids can have fun and not be stressed. However, no used toys are allowed at this event due to health concerns for the patients. The event will continue to run until the end of the semester, and Bell expects more to come as the semester hits a close.
This event is open for anybody to participate. To participate, see either Dr. Bell or Professor Hannah to drop off the toys. The drop-off center is on the second floor of Main Hall in room 220.