WEST LIBERTY, W. Va.– On November 11, Threshold held a Submissions Workshop at the Alumni Wall of Honor Alcove on the top floor of the Elbin Library. Students were able to meet with members of staff to review their pieces through both appointments and walk-ins.
The staff of Threshold hoped that by hosting this workshop, future authors and artists would feel encouraged to submit their works to the journal.
“Every year, we have people who say they want to submit to the journal, but were too nervous to do so beforehand,” said Liam Buchanan, Threshold’s Editor-in-Chief.
The goal of the workshop was less about providing constructive criticism for submissions, but rather to give the faces behind the pieces encouragement to put themselves out there. “Even though we didn’t have a great turn out, we still were able to reach a couple of amazing artists and authors,” said a member of staff. Threshold hopes to put on the event again next fall.
“The goal of Threshold isn’t even to get into the journal, but to share your work with other people. I think the workshop helps to do that,” said Buchanan. “You’re sharing it with the staff, putting your work out there. I think that’s the valuable thing, even if you don’t end up getting into the journal.”
Threshold submissions are open until January 17, 2025. Threshold accepts art (both digital and non-digital), poetry, and nonfiction and fiction prose.