By Hanna Perry, Contributing Writer
The West Liberty University Hilltop Players are going to be performing the play “As It Is In Heaven” by Arlene Hutton, on Oct. 5-6 and 12-14 at 7:30 p.m. and on Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. in the Kelly Theater.
The play is being directed by Michael Aulick, Associate Professor of Theater.
The play is about a “religious community that is changed when a non-believer has an ecstatic experience,” according to the West Liberty Theater’s productions page. The setting is within a Shaker society in Pleasant Hill, Ky.
The arrival of Fanny brings changes to the community, as she sees angels and others begin to receive “spiritual gifts.” The play follows through the society as they go through this spiritual, or not, ordeal.
“The play rehearsed for about five and a half weeks,” said Aulick. The actors auditioned on the first Wednesday of the school year, and they have been hard at work ever since to make sure the show has an amazing run through. This show is definitely going to be something that students may want to check out.
“I read the script fifteen years ago and the program has more females than ever before. We ended up picking the show around April,” said Aulick.

“The show puts all the requirements on the actors and the show doesn’t have an elaborate set,” said Aulick. “I picked the play so that the actors can get better at entertaining the audience.”
“As It Is In Heaven” is going to be a play that will give the actors a chance to really showcase their talents because of the smaller cast.
“Small cast shows focus on the actors and what they can do and the more people you have in a show then the less time you have to work with each individual actor,” said Aulick.
The cast includes Hunter Helms as Peggy, Amanda Tamplen as Hannah, Josie Jarrett as Phebe, Callie Carroll as Betsy, Amber Parsons as Rachel, Carly Balog and Alexandra Glover as Izzy, Alex Burdick as Fanny, Sarah Lemley as Polly and Ingrid Young as Jane. Understudies include Michelle Russell and Maggie Storms.
Costume Design is by Meta Lasch, and Melinda Kreisberg is Assistant Director. Chris Rees serves as Stage Manager for the play, with Grant VanCamp as Assistant Stage Manager. Alex Franke is the lighting designer and Ashley Cole is the scenic designer. Maggie Storms is in charge of props, and hair and makeup is also being done by Helms.
“I want audiences to come to the play and experience what they experience and to take away what they take away,” said Aulick.
Don’t miss this show! Tickets can be bought the day of the show or online.
Photos provided by Meta Lasch and Ingrid Young