Annual WLU crime report reveals campus safety and security
The 2021 Annual Security Report was made available last week giving the West Liberty University (WLU) community access to select campus crime statistics from the last three years. As required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, West Liberty’s Housing and Residence Life department published the 2021 security report on Oct. 1. and shared it across campus via email.
The Clery Act requires that the university provides information to the campus community each year regarding select crime statistics as well as a run down of security policies and procedures and information on the rights of sexual assault victims. The report is available via the West Liberty University residence life page. Individuals can also request a printed copy of the report from Marcella Snyder, director of housing and student life, at [email protected].
The report indicates that crime levels on West Liberty’s main campus are fairly low. In 2021, one case of rape was recorded on campus. This is up from zero cases in 2020 but down from three in 2019. Two cases of fondling were recorded, which is down from five in the previous year. Four cases of dating violence were recorded on campus, three of which occurred in residence halls.
In 2021, 17 liquor law arrests were made – an increase of three from 2020 and 10 from 2019. However, the number of liquor law disciplinary referrals has dropped substantially from 42 in 2019 to 17 in 2021. Drug law arrests also dropped from four to one in 2021.
No hate crimes of any kind have been recorded at West Liberty across the span of the last three years.
As well as providing WLU’s crime statistics for the past three years, the report provides a detailed summary of the role of the campus police at WLU noting that they hold the same level of authority and responsibility as other law enforcement officers in the state of West Virginia. It also notes that the WLU Police Department is available at all hours to answer calls and take the appropriate course of action. The report states, “If assistance is required from the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department, West Liberty Police, or West Liberty Fire Department, WLUPD will contact the appropriate unit. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, the Title IX Coordinator will be notified to begin a Title IX investigation and offer appropriate resources and services.”
The report also goes over the other basic safety procedures and policies at WLU including notifications of immediate threat, evacuation procedures, timely warnings and other emergency responses.
Detailed information is also listed in the report about the procedures taken in the case of sexual assault. The report details the steps that victims can take if they are subject to assault and the resources available to them including “counseling services, police investigation, Title IX investigation, off campus support organizations and advocacy groups and additional protective measures by the University.”
The policies and procedures pertaining to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) are also outlined in the report including information on dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault. It discusses several ways in which the university is attempting to tackle and prevent these problems.
For more information about WLU’s safety policy or the Annual Security Report, contact Marcella Snyder, Kate Billings, Anthony Salatino or Campus Police.
Anna Johnston is a WLU senior from Linlithgow, Scotland. This is Johnston’s fourth year as part of the Trumpet team, having taken on a variety of roles...