By Jessica Broverman, Contributing Writer
Though we all attend college in an effort to gain an education, when you pay for college you are actually paying for more than just an in class experience. Some colleges like West Liberty University require students to pay for dances and copier usage in the library, while other universities don’t. Though these types of things are preferred to be included with your tuition, there are other things that are free that hold much more value than tickets to spring fling.
You need to take advantage of the sporting activities. Some of us would rather stay in our dorm, go out and party, or work, but if you ever want to play a sport or take a yoga class in the future, it won’t be included in any tuition, much less free. Even if you hate getting physical and have no coordination, give it a shot. College isn’t just about opening your books and getting that degree. If you don’t get involved, then what will you have to look back on?
Another thing to get involved in is the arts. Whether it is painting, playing the piano, or singing, this is another outlet for yourself to experience something that will cost a pretty penny after graduation. Many of us say that we don’t have time for classes like this, but these are classes we all need to make time for. How can you take care of your education by studying if you aren’t taking care of your mental wellness? Creating something with your hands or belting out a song with people can do much more for a person than any of us realize.
Speaking of mental wellness, this also means you should pay a visit to your school psychologist. Whether all you worry about is your next test or something family related, it is important to talk your stress out. Therapy is very expensive and often is not covered by health insurance, which is also very expensive!
Though these seem like activities that are pinpointed at specific people, they are not. We should be more active. We should all learn about art and we should all take care of our minds in every way possible. These things will cost thousands of dollars if we pursue them outside of college. It is best to take advantage of them now rather than later.
Please log onto for more information about sports and arts. If you would like to set up an appointment with WLU’s on-campus psychologist Dr. Lisa Witzberger, please email her here. You may also visit Dr. Witzberger’s office in Main Hall.
Photo by Marissa Wetterau